3 Giant Water Bug
If you needed another reason to be afraid of the water, this is it. The giant water bug is one of the largest insects in both the United States and Canada as it’s approximately 1.5 inches in length, and some species can grow as long as 4 inches!
It is commonly mistaken for a beetle or even a cockroach but the monstrous bugs prefer habitats that are surrounded by freshwater streams, ponds, and aquatic vegetation. The most interesting aspect about this bug (that actually isn’t from outer space) is the techniques they use to capture prey. With their powerful front longs, they have the ability to grab other bugs and animals as big as small fish, frogs and salamanders. They pierce their food with their sharp beaks and secrete enzymes that dissolve body tissues, allowing them to suck up the resulting liquid.
Though they’re not really dangerous to humans, the giant water bug can deliver a nasty bite. Some have even described their bite as a very painful experience as cases have showed one can cause a finger or a whole hand to swell up dramatically, almost to the point where they lose control and function of their hand for up to two weeks. Our advice: avoid these little (but big) guys at all costs!