11 Japanese Giant Hornet
The Japanese giant hornet, native to Tokyo, is a hornet that’s practically the size of your thumb and has a wingspan that’s larger than a hummingbird’s! A single one of these insects can inject a lethal sting that can be fatal to an adult, especially if there’s an allergic reaction.
As they’re perhaps the world’s most dangerous insect, their venom is much more potent than those found in wasps, bees and other hornet species, and their stinger is a 1/4 inch long, which is the size of the tip of a pencil!
Cases have compared the pain of a sting to experiencing “a hot nail being driven through your leg”, and to make matters worse, it consists of cytolytic peptide, which can literally tear apart cell tissues. The only common advice known to man that can be useful in avoiding the Japanese giant hornet is to not wear black as anything as big as a shirt can increase the chances of you being a target.