
Ridiculous Alcohol Myths You Probably Believe

#2 Myth: Absinthe Makes You Hallucinate

Truth: Thujone is the chemical responsible for hallucinations and is toxic in large amounts, however there are only trace amounts found in Absinthe. The myth may have started when Absinthe was a cheap drink that heavy drinkers pounded and then claimed to have hallucinated, when they were just completely intoxicated… or maybe the tiny traces of thujone added up… or both.


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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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