15 KRK Tweets Which Are Horrible Yet Funny!

15 KRK Tweets Which Are Horrible Yet Funny!
All of us know KRK a.k.a Kamaal R Khan is such a great man, who is applauded for his perfect tweets. We too applause KRK for his way of life.
1.KRK is so smart that he bashes every celebrity!
3.KRK can be the best anchor, no seriously!
4.KRK won’t spare ex Judge of Supreme Court of India even!
5.The amazing Kamaal, grin!
6.Meanwhile in Germany!
7.This lawyer should stay away from KRK.
9.Karan Johar without men, LOL.
10.Confused with the size of balls.
11.Someone will teach him how to respect woman, but KRK you rock!
12.Reverse rape!
13.Wow, KRK, you are amazing!
15.Oops, password leaked. 😛