Why Gandhiji’s Killer Nathuram Godse Ashes have not been released in the River till date

In early January 30 1948, Gandhiji was moving towards the prayer spot of Birla House with sharp steps. Meanwhile, Nathuram Godse, came out of the crowd, blasted three bullets in Mahatma Gandhi’s body. After this incident, there an atmosphere of aggravation everywhere. People started running away here and there. Even after hearing the news of Gandhiji’s murder, there was a silence in Birla House.
At that time, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad and Englishman Lord Mountbatten were present in Birla House. Disgrace was scattered all over their face. Later Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru told the crowd outside Birla House that Gandhiji is no longer in this world.
Nathuram Godse was a lunatic. But in reality, he was an educated man, the editor of a newspaper. He was a patriot, a freedom fighter,” says Himani Savarkar, the 68-year-old niece of Nathuram Godse, and the head of the radical Hindutva organisation, Abhinav Bharat, whose members have been accused in the Malegaon blasts of 2008 that killed eight people.
Nathuram Godse was arrested and presented in court. The court sentenced Godse to be hanged till death. Godse also admitted in court that he had killed Gandhiji.
Godse told the court that I respect the country which Gandhiji has served and that was why he bowed in his honor before shooting him, but because he made two pieces of unbroken India, that is why he shot Gandhiji.
Prior to the execution, Godse had a map of Gita and Akhand India in one hand and the other hand he had a saffron flag.
67 years after Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, Nathuram Godse’s ashes lie in a silver urn in a room at Pune. Nana Godse, son of Gopal Godse, Nathuram’s brother, says “The ashes will be immersed in the Sindhu river (Indus) only when his (Nathuram’s) dream of Akhand Bharat (undivided India) is fulfilled.”