This Guy Sent His Private Part’s Pictures To Entire Class By Mistake, His Tweet Is Seriously Funny

Nowadays, the internet has become one of the most essential parts of everyone’s life. After all, it has several things to offer. However, sometimes it can get weird downright awkward. A similar thing happened to this guy, you can’t stop your laughter after knowing what happened. This guy accidentally sent pictures of his private part to the entire class.
A Twitter user who goes by the name @Marese_CP accidentally sent two pictures of his private part to the entire philosophy class.
This guy took to Twitter to explain his side of the story because people thought he did it on purpose.
According to him, his phone got damaged and he was unable to replace it due to his financial condition. Because he didn’t have money, he went to a cheap shop to get his phone repaired.
However, his problems had no end there. His phone started behaving weirdly. However, for reasons known to him, he didn’t take his phone to repair after that.
He further added that he took some pictures of his private part late night, as he was feeling the heat. The real problem started the next day.
When he was going to his class keeping his phone in his pocket, his phone automatically got unlocked. When he took the seat, he checked his phone. That’s when he realized the big blunder that photos of his private part have been sent to his entire class.
However, the saddest part about this whole incident was that his awkward pictures remained there because the user handling the group didn’t delete them. Poor Guy!
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