Confirmed!! Sridevi’s Death Due To Accidental Drowning And Traces Of Alcohol Also Found In Blood

Everyone is waiting for Sridevi’s body to arrive in Mumbai. Earlier there were reports that the dead body will be sent from Dubai by 2 pm today, but now due to some changes in the case, the procedure is delayed. As per the latest updates, some new developments are found in the forensic reports.
As per Gulf News, her death is caused not due to Cardiac Arrest but of Accidental Drowning in the bathtub. Also in the test, traces of alcohol were found in her blood. Now, because of all these new developments in the case, the procedures will take some more time and then her body will be released from Dubai.
It is expected that in few hours, the body will reach Mumbai at midnight today and as per reports, the funeral will take place tomorrow at Pawan Hans in a traditional way rather than in electric furnace cremation. For more updates on Sridevi’s case, keep watching this space.