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Meet Yashraj Rautela: This 23-Year-Old Has Made Enough Investments to Retire Next Year.

Yashraj Rautela
Yashraj Rautela

Yashraj Rautela Says Even investing a small amount in regular intervals will benefit you in the long run. “Even a couple of thousand of Rupees when you’re in 20 is going to turn into Lakhs, if not tens of lakhs later. That’s the Power of Compounding. ”(Taken from one of his posts)

In the first six months of 2021, Yashraj Rautela Profited 82.9 Lakhs from his Trading/Investing.

(dated 3st June 2021)
(dated 3st June 2021)
Yashraj Rautela in Piccadilly Circus, London in Rolls Royce January 2021
Yashraj Rautela in Piccadilly Circus, London in Rolls Royce January 2021

Yashraj Rautela radiates brilliance as a true blue young trading professional and displays his professionalism when traveling across cities like Dubai, London, New York, even during the pandemic, to expand his work and grow as a young trader and investor. The Indian stock markets have so far seen many other astute professionals, but Yashraj Rautela shows every sign to reach the top of the investing game soon, such has been his dedication and commitment to his work.

Entire February in dubai
Entire February in dubai
Able to see many moves ahead in his investments and appearing to come out ahead every time
Able to see many moves ahead in his investments and appearing to come out ahead every time

The closer we look around ourselves, the more we realize how different businesses, sectors, and fields have been on a constant rise. Though the pandemic did change the game for many sectors and went ahead in even disrupting many, one cannot deny how some other sectors have constantly been growing and developing. Of course, technological advancements are a huge factor that has contributed to their success, but one cannot deny how astute young minds and talented beings have been working hard each day to help their chosen industries gain exponential levels of success. The trading world is one space that has welcomed innumerable such talented beings and one name that has been making a lot of buzzes lately is Yashraj Rautela.

how his Passport Looks like
how his Passport Looks like – Source

Young talents like Yashraj Rautela prove that relentless drive and the hunger to reach success can motivate individuals to go under the grind, gather first-hand knowledge and become incredible success stories for the world to take inspiration from. He calls himself an early-stage investor and has even proved his prowess and excellence with the amount of knowledge and wisdom he had gained in the business world.

With Pilot as a Passion Captain, Yashraj Rautela is already on his path to achieve astounding success as an Investor. And emerges out as a victor in this Pandemic.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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