Your Life Before Marriage vs After Marriage Portrayed Through Pictures!

There is a typical saying which states that ‘love walks out of the door when marriage comes in. That may or may not be true but life definitely changes once you get hooked. Your bed space is shared, your blanket is shared and in ca:ses of ‘possessive’ partners, your private space gets invaded too! Brightside has portrayed few such differences in your life before and after marriage. Take a look
1. Sleeping style before and marriage.God knows what goes wrong with the sleeping style of couple before and after wedding.
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2. Way of expressing love before and after marriage[Also see: 7 Foreign Star Cricketers Who Married Indian Beauties]
3. Table for ‘two’ turns into table for ‘four’ [Also see: 10 TV Actresses Who Are Above 30 And Are Happily Single]
4. Instead of sight seeing you will like to spend quality time at home.Before: On weekends you would like to hangout together.
After: On weekends you would love to get be at home.
5. No need to maintain curves anymore.Before: Usually Girls maintain their curves so that they look good in their wedding album. And they have strict diet charts and schedule
After: Now who cares if they got 10 kg extra, till they gonna be loved.
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6. Comfort zone before and after marriage. Before: You eagerly wait for the moment when you will get chance to spend quality time with your love and for that you dress up and do all the stuff to impress.
After: No dressing up and no extra efforts to impress because you have reached to the final destination-‘MARRIAGE’.
7. Movie dates before and afterProbably theaters are first place in every relationship which comes in mind when you think of going on date. Don’t you agree?
8. From fun to responsibilities. With marriage lots of responsibilities come which needs to be full filled for smooth run.
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9. Changes in texting style
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