Most Beautiful Waterfalls in the World
4 KAIETEUR FALLS (Potaro River, Guyana)

Located on the Kaieteur National Park is the Kaieteur waterfalls. It is perched on the Potaro river in the territory of central Essequibo of Guyana. The height of this amazing waterfall is 226 meters. One can witness the waterfall plunging its first break over the conglomerate and sandstone cliff. This is the world’s largest single drop waterfall ever recorded at 741 feets.
The kaieteur falls is about five times taller than the Niagara waterfalls in comparison. The very rare and unique Guianan Cock of the rock can be seen here alongside the tiny golden frog spending its entire life in these waterfalls. The extremely famous Makonaima birds nest here near these waterfalls under a widespread rock shelf.