Bathroom Water Used In Indian Railway | FilmyMantra

Bathroom Water Used In Indian Railway
When the team of NEWS 24 reached the Ambala station for evaluating what would be special in rail budget this time and what the public would get from it, the team was in shock with the scene it saw there. The water that was to be used in lavatory was utilizing for preparing food. This is the case of Paschim Express which runs from Mumbai to Delhi. The train is in such a pathetic state and that too when it is to be travelled by many officials and VIPs.
Now this is what they call Hope. Hope for getting good food, proper hygiene, no traces of dirt and what not. How good does it feel to ears when we hear that everything is going to be changed and there will be no more problem in connection with Indian Railway. But this is only like building a castle in the air because common people cannot even imagine what the team has witnessed. To make a note, this is the condition of railway just few days before the rail budget is to be presented.