An Indian Navy Officer Saves A Man From Drowning, Twitterati Is All Praise For His Brave Act

Indian armed forces guard our borders with their selfless acts and we all respect them for the same. However, there are some instances when they go out of their ways to helps anyone who needs it. This is the things that make us love and respect them even more. One such incident happened recently, where an Indian Navy officer saved a man from drowning in Kochi Channel near Vypin Beach.
A Navigating officer of INS Sutlej, Lt. Rahul Dalal was strolling at Vypin beach near the lighthouse with his wife. That’s when he saw a man crying for help and struggling to keep himself afloat in the water. A decent crowd was already there looking at the drowning man but no one took any steps to help him.
Lt Rahul Dalal of #IndianNavy rescues Mr Dileep Kumar of Aurangabad fm drowning in Kochi channel (near Vypin Beach) by putting his life at a grave risk. He brought him ashore & administered CPR besides clearing his choked Air passage. Well Done Rahul. #IndianNavy is proud of you
— SpokespersonNavy (@indiannavy) April 7, 2019
After noticing it, Lt Rahul Dalal risked his life and jumped into the water to help the man. Dalal reached to him in just a couple of minute but he was able to bring him out of the sea after a struggle of 20-25 minutes due to the strong undertow.
The navy official said, “The officer also had to deal with the desperate and panicked victim who was pulling him down, putting both their lives in danger,”
The officer was able to calm down the victim named Dileep Singh hailing from Aurangabad and gave all his power to bring the man to the shore along with him. He also performed Cardio Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until he was revived. He was also taken to a nearby hospital and was discharged later on.
Mr Dileep Kumar was then taken to hospital by the Police for further treatment and has been discharged after recovering fully
— SpokespersonNavy (@indiannavy) April 7, 2019
People are feeling proud of the selfless act of Navy officer Rahul Dalal, as they hail the officer. Look at some of the comments down below.
Lt Rahul Dalal of #IndianNavy
— SpokespersonNavy (@indiannavy) April 7, 2019
Well done Lt Rahul Dalal. You saved a precious life without thinking twice about your own. This is what we, in the armed forces, are made of.
Super proud of you. Do well & Take Care @ShivAroor @rahulsinghx @SandeepUnnithan @VishnuNDTV @neeraj_rajput @pandeypoonam20 @Anandans76— Captain DK Sharma (@CaptDKS) April 7, 2019
We need more man like him. So much proud ❤️
— Nimisha Gupta (@ng1920) April 8, 2019
Proud of you Lt Rahul.
— Peeps (@VerBubbly) April 7, 2019
Salute to valiant Navy officer Lt. Rahul Dalal for saving a man’s life!