
10 of the Youngest Self-Made Millionaires Ever

10 of the Youngest Self-Made Millionaires Ever

1 John Koon

You may have heard of John Koon – especially if you’re the type who is obsessed with cars.

John was 16 when he began opening New York City’s first ever auto parts companies. Extreme Performance Motorsports in particular earned him millions and you can see plenty of that company’s work simply by watching any episode of Pimp My Ride, rapper X-zibit’s popular show on MTV.

While some would be satisfied with this overwhelming success, John’s teenage thought was, “why stop here?”

This led to him starting up a clothing company with famous rapper and personal friend, Young Jeezy, where he would go on to earn over $40 million. John is a few years older now, and has added an impressive list of successful start-up businesses to his resume – word on the street is that he will soon hit the “billionaire” mark!

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale. Digital Consultant and Social media Consultant for Leading Bollywood Movies and Celebrities. With more then 12Mn Plus followers on Social media. Have done a campaign for movies Like Sarbjit, Madaari. Engineer turned into Entrepreneur. @thatmedianerd on Twitter and Instagram

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