News & Gossip

Women Wore Crop Top On Flight. Airlines Asks To Cover Up Or Get Off, This Is So Wrong

Airports and flights are the places where one can expect the most bizarre things to happen. From finding obscured foreign objects like cockroaches in the mid-air meal to a man roaming around the flight in boxers, airlines have super bizarre stories to offer always.

Emily O’Connor, who is a resident of Birmingham, was taking a flight from her hometown to Tenerife, Spain on March 12.

Thomas Cook Airlines recently told her to either cover up or to get off their flight that was travelling from Birmingham, England to the Canary Islands.

She wore a fashionable outfit in a crop top and pants to the flight. The airlines asked ‘causing annoyance’ and was ‘inappropriate’ or they would remove her from the flight.

Shocked by the incident, O’Connor shared the entire incident on Twitter.

The airline said its policy states customers wearing “inappropriate attire will not be permitted to travel unless a change of clothes is possible”.


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