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Somendra to sign the divorce paper in Sarojini

Somendra to sign the divorce paper in Sarojini
Sarojini – 30th November 2015 | Somendra Divorce Sarojini | Full Uncut Episode On Location
The forthcoming chapter of Sarojini will show that Mannu emotional blackmail Somendra saving Sarojini’s life.
Sarojini gets accuse for shot Mannu & cops come to arrest her.
Somendra loves Sarojini a lot and cannot see her in jail and he agrees to do whatever Mannu wants.Somendra sign the divorce paper which makes Sarojini shocked.
Mannu happy seeing Sarojini & Somendra separated.Sarojini feels Somendra betrayed her while Somendra tries to make her understand that he did it for her safety. Mannu is happy seeing Sarojini and Somendra separated legally forever.