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Niti Taylor-made for success

Is making the move to cinema in the plan?
Oh yes, for sure, if I get a chance.

Who are your acting idols?
Priyanka Chopra, because she has achieved so much in life. She’s a self-made woman and tries to experiment so much with her roles. She has so much dedication and determination. It’s a treat to watch her and I admire her so much.
If you could be romanced by any hero on the big screen, who would it be?
Shahid Kapoor or Zac Efron. They have killer smiles and are so cute.

What would a guy need to do to impress you?
I would always go for men who are caring, gentle and helpful. So if he wants to impress me at work or at a restaurant, he needs to be courteous, whether it is to a waiter, to someone elderly or a work colleague. He needs to do good things. I appreciate these qualities in a man.

Tell us something not many people know about you?
I started cooking because I love to eat and it was the best way to have good healthy meals. I keep cooking now because I love being able to experiment with new ways of preparing new ingredients and recipes.
The process of smelling and tasting while I cook makes the whole thing enjoyable, and when other people take part in it, it makes it even better.
Cooking for friends and family is one of the biggest ways I can show love and appreciation. It makes me feel good to give them something tasty and enjoyable I made.

What are your beauty essentials?
Waterproof mascara is my absolute go-to for any kind of look. Blotting sheets, especially for when it is hot and humid; they’re not just for oily skin. Lip balm always always always! I’m also a perfume addict, the more, the merrier. In terms of beauty tips, I drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated. It keeps my skin supple and radiant.

What is your best quality?
This is a difficult question for someone to answer I think, but I’ll give it a shot. I would say my best quality is my friendliness. I always try to be positive, polite and friendly to people I meet, especially the first time. I try to continue that regardless of who they are. I try to treat everyone in a friendly manner. I enjoy being friendly, so it’s not really work to me and just a part of my personality.
I’m also considerate and caring. I’m a good listener. I’m always there to listen if my friends are having a bad day or just need to talk. Even though I’m not always there in person, I do my best to be a good friend.
Is there one movie that you have watched loads of times?
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (DDLJ) is probably one of the greatest love stories ever told in cinema. If you missed this movie, you have missed the best movie made in Bollywood history. This movie never bores me. I have seen DDLJ over a hundred times (really). I know most of the dialogues as well. It’s fantastic!
The plot was wonderful and the acting was great. Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol did their best ever performance. The songs were awesome and the direction was cool. A must-see for those who adore romantic flicks.
What is the best piece of advice that anyone has given you?
Hope is not a strategy. My dad says this whenever someone says: ‘I hope this works out’ or something. It means you can’t rely on something working out. If you want it to work, do something to make it happen!

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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