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Major Vibhuti Shankar’s Wife Salutes Her Husband And Says ‘I Love You’ One Last Time

The nation was shaken when the day of love turned into the most tragic one, when in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir more than 40 CRPF Jawans were martyred. The senselessness of violence is realised in moments when a wife, a child, a mother are left behind with just the mortal remains and the memories of their loved ones.

The funeral of Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal at Dehradun was filled with moments like these. Looking intently at the coffin of her husband, his 27-year-old wife Nikita Kaul blew him kisses, before leaning in and whispering ‘I love you’.

His Wife, Nikita looked quietly but proudly inside the coffin, bearing the last remains of her husbands, wrapped in the tricolor, whom she is seeing for the very last time.

Major Vibhuti Shankar’s wife shouted ‘Vande Mataram’ three times and then said “I love you,’ Vibhu in a shaky voice, breaking down as she did that.

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