Woman Gave Birth To 11 Babies At One Time

According to medical journals, multiple births can occur either by natural causes, such as the woman who ovulates more than one egg per month, in which case they can all be fertilized, or she produces just one egg, but it divides shortly after fecundation, hence resulting in multiple embryos. Multiple births are nowadays more and more often as a result of infertility treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization. This is the procedure which “implants” more than one fertile egg in a woman’s womb, in hopes that at least one will be accepted by the body. Also, the use of fertility drugs can lead to multiple egg ovulations hence multiple babies. The same case has been discovered with an Indian lady, who gave birth to the 11 babies in one time.
The woman just broke the world record by giving the birth to the 11 babies just in one shot. And the photo of the doctors and the nurse is going viral on the email, websites and the social media that they are standing with the 11 babies laying on the bed in front of them. Well, the delivery of the babies was very normal and now the condition of their mother is also well. Before this we had news of the birth of the nine babies at one time but this is the biggest world record ever. Well, we all wish them to stay safe and have a good life ahead to their parents and to the kids as well.