Shahzahn Padamsee Maxim Photoshoot

Just Call Her Sexy
She’s that quintessential girl-next-door you wish you knew. But when she takes a sexy new turn, you just sit back and stare. Shazahn Padamsee doesn’t want to be a “type.” She is hot, she is fit, she is pretty and she is zesty. And she is great fun to hang with! She returns after her first MAXIM cover in 2011, when she surprised the world with her sexy-sporty side. This time around, we’re still blinking rapidly… this is a Shazahn we haven’t seen before.
Hi, Shazahn! Welcome back to maxim! Your second appearance and you’re looking absolutely awesome! Cool, huh?
It is, indeed, great to be back! I must say you guys are super fun to shoot with every time. As for the pictures, I’d like your readers to tell me how much they like them. But at the risk of sounding presumptuous, I think they do look smashing!
Oh, yes, they do. And the sudden rise in temperature is proof of that! Sorry for being a bit boastful but we’ll take credit for showing the world your sexy side with our last shoot. And this time, things have gone up a big notch.
Well, every good girl has a hidden wild side and you guys are experts at tapping into that. Besides, it’s always great to know that there are so many hearts fluttering out there!
A hottie who has a wicked side? We like it! Now, you have famous parents and you’ve chosen a profession where fame is a given. Was growing up a training ground?
Yes, it sure was! Growing up in a theatre family has its many advantages. Watching my parents in endless rehearsals with some of the greatest names in the business was where I learnt to act.
And that made the transition from theatre and modelling to movies a bit more comfortable?
Coming from a theatre family still makes me an outsider like anyone else who’s not from a “film” family. I’ve had my share of struggle—going to endless auditions and being replaced at the last minute. But having done theatre has given me a lot of confidence and belief in myself… to just keep moving forward.
The movies are competitive. New faces come in every year, movies become niche and roles are limited in number. How difficult is it to survive and make a mark?
It’s definitely the most competitive profession there is! But I believe everyone on this planet is unique and carves a niche for themselves. That’s pretty deep. Speaking of which, what does your name mean? It means the “queen of the planet!” And, yes, it is my father’s creation.
And what a wonderful creation you are, too. Err… we also like your name. You’re part-cute and part-sexy and while we love both sides, which do you prefer?
As and when I feel like it, I use both to my advantage! So it actually depends on the situation.
That’s quite fair. But we have to ask you—when it comes to a relationship, are you up to dating casually, or does it have to be a serious relationship?
The problem with today’s times is that emotions are now on remote control. We are living in a very fast-paced era and people don’t look at relationships like they once did. Simply put, love isn’t as sacred as it once was. And I believe in love.
“What’s love got to do with it?” to quote Tina Turner. What’s your take on casual sex?
I find the whole concept really pointless… because no matter how “casual” things are, one of them will almost certainly end up getting hurt.
Makes sense, that does. What attracts you to a man?
His smile, his sense of humour and the way he smells. If a man wants to be with me, he’d better smell good!
Smelling good has never been a problem, but staying sober is. We’d show you a good time if we went out. Whatever you want, you’d get it. You’d want…
I’m a complete romantic at heart and absolutely love candlelight dinners. Actually,
I love everything from candlelight dinners to long romantic drives. Basically, everything mushy is what I’m completely crazy about!
Doesn’t sound too difficult! How would your perfect man be dressed?
I’m okay with anything as long as he’s wearing good shoes!
What’s the one style goof-up that would make you slam the door in our faces or, worse, when we’re just stepping over the threshold?
Guys who sport slicked-back or over-the-top-product hair, and guys who wear those overly-pointy shoes get on my nerves! So get rid of these things.
And what about accessories?
A real guy doesn’t really need any accessories!
Thank God someone finally said that. And thank God it’s a sexy girl like you!
I actually don’t think I’m sexy! But, maybe after this shoot, I just got a bit sexier!
That’s as big a compliment as we’ve ever gotten. What is the one thing you like about Indian men?
I don’t know why, but I find Indian guys really sexy.
That’s good to know. We’ll thank our parents for you… for being naughty. And what’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
I feel that for a woman, a little bit of mystery is always sexy… so I think I’ll keep some secrets to myself!
Nice. A sexy lady with secrets is even sexier! If you were to personify maxim, what would he be like?
He would be a complete flirt, an incorrigible womaniser and, at the same time, really hot. The perfect prescription for breaking a woman’s heart!
That’s a cool image to have, isn’t it? If you could become invisible for a day and spy on anyone, who would it be?
To be honest, I can only think of one name right now—Angelina Jolie. I would really want to know exactly how she manages to look so good all the time and how she manages to multitask the way she does! She has so much going on.
Take us along, would you? We promise to behave, but we can’t say the same for a number of a-holes in this country. We’re committing ourselves to women’s safety, so what would you say to the men reading this?
I have just one thing to say to them: Give all women the same respect and feeling of security that you give your own mother. I feel very strongly about the safety of women, and my dad and I have started an NGO called “Izzat Ki Fauj” that will work to put all the eveteasers out there behind bars.
Great cause! Well, so long. Do we get a hug, Shazahn?
Sure, you guys are awesome!
Credits: Maxim