
Top 10 Hollywood Movie Villains

3. Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)


However, Nurse Ratched is disguised as someone good but her methodologies are contrived to change the complete happiness of patients to utter destruction in a fraction of a second. Comprising a plethora of villainous and evil traits, Nurse Ratched knows the power that she has over her patients and has no hesitation whatsoever to do what it takes to keep intact her authority. Her evil deeds and humiliating characteristics are enough to make her a popular villain of Hollywood movies around the world today.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale. Digital Consultant and Social media Consultant for Leading Bollywood Movies and Celebrities. With more then 12Mn Plus followers on Social media. Have done a campaign for movies Like Sarbjit, Madaari. Engineer turned into Entrepreneur. @thatmedianerd on Twitter and Instagram

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