
News Portal Razvipost Becomes The Face Of Advancing Journalism

Internet is the timeliest way to propagate news about social issues, injustice and protests to millions of people spread over the globe. Unlike the pre-internet era, news, nowadays, gets global exposure. People from the nook and corner of the world register their repercussions over the social issues and extend their support through the internet. As a result, the concerned authorities look into the matter and expedite the procedure to resolve the problems.

Internet and its allied social media platforms have proven to be the impactful medium to bring the anticipated revolution in society. For instance, the Egyptian revolution ushered through Facebook shows that even the local movements, if given the impetus of social media, can turn successful. This is the reason why journalism has switched to the internet – the powerful instrument for revolution.

Razvipost, the news portal, also decided to use the powerful weapon called the internet to speak about social issues, corruption, pending works, and the negligence of lawmakers. Journalism is the thread between the common masses and the ruling government, whether the state or central. Thus, the online news portal wants to be the herald of the common masses that brings their hardships and inconveniences to the notice of governments and obliges them to take necessary actions.

Razvipost, founded in December 2019 by Adil Razvi and Sharik Mailk, keeps a tab on the minute activities happening in the politics, business, finance of India and the world, entertainment, science, Bollywood, and Hollywood industry. The news site provides the news to its readers in English and Hindi as the Razvipost makes sure that language should not be a barrier to conveying the report to the people.

Razvipost advocates freedom of speech and independent journalism. So, the news portal welcomes the individuals who have ardor to speak against injustice and bring a change in society through their writings. Going further, the Razvipost team believes that journalism must talk about the truth without extravagating the matter and immediately, while clouds of assumptions and fear are still prevalent everywhere.

Razvipost carries out extensive research to find out the truth and reports it to the readers as it is so that they can form opinions based on the truthfulness of the matter. In recent times, the enemies of our peaceful society are circulating false news to accomplish their negatory agendas, creating chaos amongst the communities. Razvipost considers dealing with false news is its topmost priority and works relentlessly to curb the spread of fake news.

The online news portal wants to voice the minorities who are often silenced by the people sitting in power. Additionally, the news site has reserved a place for itself in the field of journalism with its dedication and conviction to deliver factual news to the people for whom it matters the most.

Razvipost is all geared up to cover the upcoming elections in Uttar Pradesh. The news portal will shed light on the last five year progress of Uttar Pradesh in the context of elections and present it to its followers through its news portal, YouTube and Facebook.

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