All this while, we have shared latest news on the Big Fat Indian Wedding of Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya. We can very well relate the eagerness of their fans to see them get married. The day of the fairy tale wedding has finally arrived and the excitement is increasing in the air. Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya rocked the dance floor as expected, making the guests go gaga over their moves. Do not miss to check out their video at the end and also some rare pictures of the two. The gorgeous couple is all set to exchange vows and tie the bond with each other. Their loving fans have shared this dance performance video to express their happiness for their wedding. The couple made a dance performance on the romantic song, Soch Na Sake from the movie Airlift and they both looked simply adorable! Guests have started to arrive and they are going crazy at the wedding arrangements. It seems that everything is being set and arranged beautifully. Both the families have played close attention in every single subject of the wedding and it shows it all. We are equally excited to see Divyanka in her bridal picture. You may check a few glimpses of their wedding pictures photo-shoot with the courtesy of the source, Sachin Kumar Photography, Facebook and The lime yellow colored Lehenga on Divyanka looks super fantastic! She is glowing and her love for Vivek speaks it all… On the other side, Vivek in Green Kurta looked ravishing. The pair simply looks made for each other. Divyanka deserves every bit of this happiness as she has waiting long for this and Vivek deserves a pretty life partner like her. #Repost @soma_dt with @repostapp ・・・ Inside video from Divyanks's sangeet #Divek #lastnight #sochnasake #divyankawedding #divyankatripathi #vivekdahiya #sangeetnight ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 💃💃💃💃❤Let's Nacho❤💃💃💃💃 A video posted by ❤|Divyanka Weds Vivek|❤ (@divyanita_fanclub) on Jul 7, 2016 at 8:33pm PDT Our FilmyMantra team wishes them all the very best for a happy and successful married life. Hope they make it through and keep their vows intact forever.