‘Braveheart’ actor Mel Gibson recovers from corona after spending a week in hospital

The Corona-virus pandemic has taken over the world with a significant toll on people’s lives, infecting thousands every day. Among Hollywood celebrities, ‘Forrest Gump’ actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were the first to test positive for COVID-19. But recently, it’s been revealed that ‘Braveheart’ actor Mel Gibson, too, had contracted the virus deadly but, in the month of April.
Mel Gibson, however, made a complete recovery after spending around a week in the hospital, and was tested negative for the virus. The news of actor’s wellbeing was confirmed by the actor’s spokesperson to media.
“He (Mel Gibson) tested positive in April and spent a week in the hospital,” confirmed the source. Actor’s representative also shared the details of Gibson’s treatment that involved the drug ‘Remdesivir’. Gibson was discharged after he was tested negative several times but the actor, however, was positive for antibodies.
“He was treated with the drug Remdesivir, while in the hospital, and has tested negative numerous times since then as well as positive for the antibodies,” the representative added. Mil Gibson got his Covid-19 treatment at a hospital in Los Angeles, California.
As per news, Gibson was spotted grocery shopping with girlfriend Rosalind Ross in March, before getting hospitalized.