I bet you can’t watch this Raksha Bandhan Video without Crying

The Best Relationship Ever Short Film- Filmy Mantra Raksha Bandhan Special
Today is the day, which celebrates one of the most cherished and important relationships we have in our lives. There is hardly any bond which is stronger and more genuine than the bond of love between a brother and sister. They are forever for each other no matter what happens.
Celebrating this same occasion, the Filmy Mantra family has come together to make a very special film for this special occasion for all our beloved viewers.
The short film titled “The Best Relationship Ever” looks at the gloomy side of things when there is a difference in the relationship. But, it also shows how’s deep and pure the brother sister bond is.
It is a must watch for every brother and sister and we are sure you will miss them and love them even more after watching this.