Bollywood upcoming film 'Tutak Tutak Tutiya' is all set to hit the theatres on October 7. The trailer and songs of the film have already garnered a good response. So, the film also has a good possibility of a long run at the Box-Office. Here, we have ensemble a list of top 10 Reasons to watch this horror-comedy movie. Top 10 Reasons To Watch ‘Tutak Tutak Tutiya': Tamannaah plays twin characters in 'Tutak Tutak Tutiya' The trailer of the film looks promising and entertaining. Tamannaah is reprising two different characters in the film which are very interesting. Farah Khan in Sonu Sood's Tutak Tutak Tutiya As we have already noticed Farah Khan in the trailer and we couldn’t wait to see more of her in the film. Prabhudeva’s Acting comeback to Tamil cinema After 12 years Prabhudeva’s last Tamil film as an actor was 2004 film ‘Engal Anna’. So it would be a treat for Tamil audience to watch him doing acting and stunts in this flick. Horror Comedy The genre of this film looks fresh as hardly any film made specific to this particular genre. Horror comedy is something new and I can’t wait to see the film releasing on October 7. Prabhudeva’s dancing The best part comes here is Dancing. The trailer and song are full of dance, especially from Prabhudeva. Watching him dance on the silver screen is a treat for the fans. Trilingual film The film has been shot in three languages continuously. So that’s why it’s a trilingual film releasing in Hindi Tamil And Telugu. So Abhinetri, Devi(L) and Tutak Tutak Tutiya are the names of the same movie in different language releases. Sonu Sood's Debut Movie as Producer This is the first movie of Sonu Sood as a producer in Bollywood. He did all his efforts to make this movie a special one and the trailer also justifies the same. Sonu Sood And Tamannaah Chemistry Handsome Hunk Sonu Sood and gorgeous Tamannaah chemistry is something that I am really looking forward to in this movie. They look good together in this film and the song ‘Rail Gaddi’ is my favourite one featuring the duo along with Prabhudeva. Sajid-Wajid's Music The one thing that really made me to the grove of the songs is the music of this film. Sajid-Wajid's music is a treat for fans. Amy Jackson's Cameo Amy Jackson has already worked with Prabhudeva in his last flick ‘Singh is Bliing’. It’s interesting to see her in the film.