10 Celeb who had cancer

5.Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman has been plagued with skin cancer multiple times throughout his life. At first, he thought that his nose was bleeding while filming one of his scenes as Wolverine. Then he just assumed that it was dried up blood. Then when what he perceived to be a bruise didn’t go away, he went to have it checked out and a doctor diagnosed him with basal cell carcinoma. Since the initial diagnosis, he has been inflicted with skin cancer many times, has undergone several surgeries, and has been very vocal about the dangers of skin cancer. Hugh Jackman has encouraged everyone to be careful in the sun and do what they can to prevent skin cancer. Sadly, he is passed that point and has to go to the doctor’s office every three months for check-ups for the rest of his life. Take the actor’s journey as a cautionary tale for us all to be more sun conscious.