This Man From UP Called Police So That He Could Get A Lift As He Didn’t Have Money For Bus

Uttar Pradesh police live a very tough life. No one could ever imagine police going through things that UP Police has to go through, most of them are quite funny. For example, they have to shout “Thain Thain” to scare away criminals after they ran out of bullets. Come on, that’s really funny!
The basic point I want to make is that UP is a big state and managing it can get tough for the police, especially if they have to face this type of gentleman.
A man, whose name has not been revealed, dialed up police helpline number 100. Calling police is not a crime, but why he called the police should be a crime. He called cops because he wanted to go to Gunnaur from Ujhaari.
In short, this guy called the police so that they could give him a lift in their van just because he didn’t have money to pay for bus fare.
Hats off to @Uppolice
What all they deal with— Saurabh Dwivedi (@saurabhtop) March 16, 2019
This certainly left policemen bit disturbed, as they would have never expected this in their wildest dream. Therefore, they asked that man if he is on any kinds of drugs.
To which the guy responded saying he didn’t do any of those things except Chillium. He also added that he taking Chillium all his life.
That’s a first! What do you think?