Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is always active when it comes to acting, dancing, and even gymming. In his latest Instagram post, Varun Dhawan has uploaded his 8-Pack Abs photo while exercising in the gym. Well, things didn’t go well with Varun after uploading the photo. As the fans did notice something else coming up in the photo which blurred his 8-Pack abs limelight in a big way. This is what happen when things don't go accordingly: Latest Target- Varun Dhawan Here's What Erupted The Social Media Storm! If You Still Didn't notice Something else in the Photo, Do take a look closely In the next Pic Now, You got it. Even Varun Dhawan Fans did get it at the earliest and here's what they have to say Yes, they were the first to spot! Here's when fans are started alarming to Varun Dhawan! Here is the suggestion from the fan started pouring in. Here are some more suggestions that got the limelight. Some fans even started quizzing! Here are those straightforward fans! With the Translation. Now here come's the weirdo's of social media Some Excited fan's who couldn't stop to comment. If we take a closer look at his picture, it seems that he even realised that something is wrong. After seeing the whole response from Fans.