This Man Predicted About Pulwama Terror Attack Back In 2018

Palmistry has always been one of the most popular methods in predicting the future. The very fact that palmistry is now classified as a branch of science just goes to show that it does not just fall within the mysterious and unexplained.
Everything is possible but some of them believe to predict about future is accurate and it can be done and rest of them believe that this is wrong and it can’t be possible.
Here is a live example, In 2018 a man who hails from Imphal predicted that some Soldiers will be killed in Kashmir and all this will be done to gain political mileage.
Terrorist will attack them when the election will be near during 2019. But at that time, this matter was not taken seriously and now people are conscious about that prediction after that this heinous incident occurs and it comes true.
This prediction has shocked everyone and is getting hell viral on social media.
We also checked the credibility of post but it was unedited and found to be 100% genuine. Certainly it will raise your eyebrows after reading this true prediction.