This May Be The Star In Asha Bhosle’s Biopic!

Yesterday, it was Asha Boshle’s birthday! She turned a year old yesterday on her 83th birthday! Regarding her, we got a a amazing news regarding Asha Bhosle’s Biopic keep reading to know more!
If ever a biopic is to be made on her life, she would want Priyanka Chopra to star in it! Recently in a event, she was asked whom she wanted to play her in her biopic. She said, “‘I think I will play it very well (laughs). If not me then Priyanka Chopra because she is a singer and she can understand a singer’s emotions.”
This looks a interesting news! The whole world is fan of Asha Bhosle Ji and if we get to see a biopic on her, it would be a totally different as she is a singer and plus one of the old legends of our country! What you think about it? Please let us know in the comments below.