Never Seen Before: 10 Times Camera Captured A Unusual Natural Phenomena

There is the time while scrolling on social media and suddenly come across some pictures that might take your attention and you engross in it. We need to appreciate these people for clicking something amazing and unique pictures. which we might not have seen before. We live in a world where everything unusual happens but because of our busy schedule, we sometimes miss the best thing in the world.
Here, we listed some unique pictures that might blow your mind.
Sea Waves
Have you ever seen waves in cloud?? well, you heard it right. In this picture, the cloud looks like waves from the sea but this is actually a cloud. This fantastic picture is captured when strong winds were creatively forming this waves from clouds.
Beauty At Its Best
Waves from two different place meet each other and they cross each other. It is more common in the open ocean when it is closer to the shore. It is amazing to see this two waves meeting at such a peaceful place.
Ice Flower
Water can be mould at its best in any shape after its gets freeze in this picture this ice looks like a transparent flower which is sharpened with a sharpener but actually, it is just an ice that is a freeze in the shape of a flower.
Iceberg With Stips
After looking at this iceberg our memory goes back to the film “Titanic” where the iceberg fell onto the ship and sabotaged everything well this is not what you think but it is an unusual picture of an iceberg with strips. It looks like someone created a strip on the iceberg and this picture is breathtaking.
Look Like A Hand
Have you seen hands coming out from ground?? well, this picture will scare you at first. It may look like a witch’s hand that is creeping out from the ground but in reality, it is a fungus that looks really strange and scary.
Look at this the fire is creating a line in the sky. It does look frightening because of the fire that looks like firenado as in tornado plus fire which just got combined with strong heat and wind.
The Power Of A Sun
If you look at this picture it looks like a giant stone made up of gold is placed but in reality, it is a cave that just got light up because of the sunset rays making it look like amber and it’s beautiful.
Snow rolls
We have seen snow in many coldest place all around the world and the layers of snow are so soft and sometimes hard and here you can see the layers of snow turning into rolls with the help of wind. Isn’t that amazing??
Rainbow Trees
The most pleasing thing you will see on this earth is nature and rainbows and if they get mixed up this is how it would look like. It is mostly found in the Pacific islands where the outer layer of this bark peels away giving space to bright thin coloured layers and this is a treat for eyes.
Unique Clouds
We haven’t such a spectacular scene where this cloud looks like a something out of the box but it is actually a cloud that got mixed up with the streaming flow of wind and moisture. And that formed many layers.