Bollywood actresses have faced the brunt of the people who constantly keep on trolling them either for dresses, body weight and sometimes they are trolled for nothing. Recently, Praineeti Chopra, Shilpa Shetty, and Kajol got heavily for their attires. The latest is Sonam Kapoor. Last night, she attended the 3rd edition of Jio MAMI 2018. The actress donned a mustard yellow oversized pantsuit. To accentuate the look she wore minimal make-up and hoops. Sonamâs picture was posted by her sister Rhea, but it got trolled.
Sonam got hilarious comments on her dress but guess who was the first one to comment? Arjun Kapoor in a hilarious way asked the Kapoor sisters for his suit. His comment read, âI want my suit back!!!âThis is not the first time Arjun has taken jibe on Sonam. He loves to pull the legs of his sisters. A few days back, during Raksha Bandhan Arjun tried to troll sister Janhvi Kapoor. Also, he posted a simple picture of Sonam Kapoor.
Sonam was not spared even by her hubby Anand. He took to Insta story and posted a picture of Sonam in the oversized suit and wrote, â@rheakapoor can I borrow these after Sonamâs done. Can use them at my next b-ball game also! #multipurpose BAWSEâ.A user wrote, âMust be her dadâs suit & hair is electrocuted!!!. No time to fix it, so she has came out like thatâŚto be known as a fashionista she dresses atrociously nowadays.â While another user said, âSonam Kapoor is trying toooo hard nowadays🙄 & failing miserably… get a page out of @natasha.poonawalla girl!! She gets it rt alwaysâ
Here are some of the trolls by netizens.