Someone call Sanjay Dutt’s Daughter UGLY B**CH? Her Reply is epic

This has become such a kind of trend that boys take the rejection on their ego. What is it dude? Are you people out of your mind? Don’t you have your sisters who reject boys they do not want to dates? And also do you think your sister will date every guy from whoever she gets offer else he will abuse her? How will you feel about it, if it happens?
It’s a shame! Seriously a shame! This is so same tragic with the celebrity daughter ‘Trishala’. And she is non other than but is Sanjay Dutt’s daughter. She was facing abuse by a stalker on a social networking site by calling her an ugly bitch. Why? And the reason is just that the stalker who want to take her out was facing rejection by her.
This simple reason of not going out with someone who was stalking name Salman Naseer has taken her into the social networking abuse. I think humanity is nowhere now.
But the amazing point is the respond to the shit will make you go ‘wow’. She is not shy girl and this is so she end the situationn very nicely. What she actually did? She took a screenshot of the conversation in which she was called an ‘Ugly Bitch’ and then she post it on Instagram. Not only is this the end.
She caption the picture by saying- “#Blasted – I think @salmannaseer786 feels bad I didn’t respond to him and accept his “date” to take me out so he called me an ugly bitch. SMH…. Funny how I didn’t seem so ugly a few minutes before he started to feel some typa way I don’t understand you children, do you not know how to accept rejection? I know this is not your first time being ignored Boo. Gross. I would even through a dog bone at you bro #sorrynotsorrry #latenightentertainment #youguysneedpopcorn”.
You rock Trishala. Proper slap on that slams face. So guys what do you think?