Shocking ! How one Man Destroyed Maggi

After the tragic downfall of your yellowest pal (obviously, we are implying at the Maggi boycott), you have most likely got practical and got prepared for out of here. Much has been shared, retweeted and WhatsApped to you. Still, you with your desolate face may have reviled the man who noticed the rodent. Gosh, did we simply say the odor? Truly, you could be considering, how would someone be able to do this to us.
Genuinely, it was “the main thing that I knew not”. See, don’t question us; we are not those freaky therapists who can investigate your eyes and tell, what you are considering. However, what we have is a brilliant group of analysts (parading? Sort of), who today discovered something else (that would intrigue you) on that Maggi boycott story?
Women and noble man, showing to you the man behind the Maggi boycott, the explanation behind the fall of a domain worth Rs. 1300 Crores. If its not too much trouble welcome, the unrivaled Sanjay Singh (drum roll).