

Saithan- psychological thriller released on 1st December, 2016. Vijay Antony collaborated with a new actor Pradeep Krishnamoorthy. The movie is dubbed in Telgu . Arundhati Nair is seen playing the role of Vijay’s wife in the movie. The critics rated this movie with 2 stars. First half of this movie turns out to be very impressive but second half revokes the charm of the movie making it not so worthy to watch. You can invest in this movie as screenplay, background and acting is absolutely appreciable. This movie would engage you till some point but you ll end up with disappointed faces.


The story revolves around a married couple living together. Vijay Antony (Dinesh) is software professional. He works hard to earn his livelihood and keeping her wife happy. Meanwhile, he faces a psychological problem I.e he hears double voice in his mind who forces him to kill a lady named jayalakshmi. Dinesh’s boss and Ravi help him to recover. While helping Dinesh, Ravi looses his life. His wife Arundhati Nair (Aishwarya) suggests him to consult a psychiatrist.also Dinesh addresses hinself as Sharma. He goes on a search to find that woman and a shock waits for him.  What is the relationship of Jayalakshmi with him.? is jayalakshmi a ghost or just an imagination. ? watch movie to find out the mystery behind the connection of Jayalakshmi and Dinesh.

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