News & Gossip

Pooja Misra launches her biography, Whats in a name?You were not born to be mediocre!

Well Model/Vj/Theatre actress/dancing diva Pooja Misra has been in the hiding for the past 6 months!We last caught up with her in September 2017.

Well she has been nestled up writing her biography, Whats in a name?Everything! You were not born to be mediocre!
The cover has a tight close up of hers which seems to be on fire,by the time we reach the last page we realise that it was a mask which was burning..and during the course of the book she literally undresses all the anguish she has been put through ,therefore at the end we see that Pooja had to literally turn nude to get that annoying mask off!
Wow seems like a best seller in making!
Pooja recently lost her father ,Chief Commisioner Of Income Tax Mr.Padmakar Misra whilst finishing this book and dedicates this book to him.

Do log on to to get the details on where all the book is available online aswell as in book stores!
We wish her all the best and look forward to many more books to come!

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