
Mumbai Police Uses ‘RAW’ Memes To Spread Awareness About Illegal Parking

The most hilarious aspects of web culture is memes. Memes have become a part of internet culture and brands have started to use them in marketing too. The best thing about memes is that they connect with the audience amazingly and can be used to deliver even motivational and social messages.

Police department is also aware of the fact that people learn things in the language of memes these days. The social media teams of Police departments have become very active in the digital medium to spread any message.

The trailer Romeo Akbar Walter based on Ex RAW agent Ravindra Kaushik and directed by Robbie Grewal became a new topic for memers to show their creativity. The trailer continued to trend on social media and its dialogues and scenes became popular right away.

The Mumbai Police was quick to fetch the opportunity and used RAW inspired memes to spread awareness about illegal parking.

Within minutes of getting posted, people started applauding their social media team behind this memes. Also, this made some people report instances of illegal parking around the city.

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