It’s Confirmed Russell Brand Is Going To Be a Father! Guess Who’s The Mum?

For once the rumours are true about the actor and comedian Russell Brand and his girlfriend Laura Gallacher. There has been loads of talk about it but no confirmation was given, until now. Brand confirmed the good news on Instagram this weekend which definitely calls for some parenting homework by Russell Brand. It’s finally confirmed Brand’s fiancé is pregnant.The ‘Get Him to the Greek’ and ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshal’ actor is quite well known around the world but little is known about his girlfriend Laura Gallacher. She actually comes from a quite famous family in the U.K. and her father, Bernard Gallacher is a famous golfer. Kristy Gallacher her older sister is a T.V. presenter in the U.K.
Brand’s delightful Instagram post clearly hints towards an expected child. “Right then. My Mum bought me this. Time to get ready!” was the caption below this adorable picture. The book in the picture, The Expectant Dad’s Handbook is an “all you need to know about pregnancy, birth and beyond’. So suffice to say that Brand really needs to do some reading.
Way back in May reports surfaced that Gallacher was about 5 months into labour and since Brand made the announcement just recently, then that would put the mother to be at give-or-take seven months. Looks like the baby could easily be here a few weeks from now.There are rumours circulating that Brand is indeed engaged to Gallacher but no confirmation is available just yet.
Further Laura’s sister Kristy posted a picture on Instagram captioning it “Congratulations to my gorgeous sister.” Brad who was previously married to Katy Perry mentioned his desire to be in a relationship and have kids on a popular talk show back in 2012. Congratulations Brand, with rumours of his engagement hovering and a baby on the way his wishes seem to be finally coming true.