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Khalsa Aid Serves Food To Cyclone Fani Victim In Odisha, Wins Lots of Hearts

One of the most devastating and strongest tropical storm since 1999, Cyclone Fani landed in the land of Jagannath Temple in Puri recently causing severe damage to the town. Puri is one of the most affected areas by cyclone Fani, which also took several lives. Post the storm, people are deprived of food, water and basic requirements in this part of the state of Odisha.

In the aftermath of Cyclone Fani, the international non-profit organization Khalsa Aid came out to offer their services to the victims of this cyclonic storm. The main inspiration of this organization is to recognize the entire human race as one.

Khalsa Aid is working extensively helping the victims of Cyclone Fani irrespective of caste, religions, color or faith. Almost 15 volunteers are working hard in the areas which have been worst affected. They are offering water and dinner to the needy victim.

The organization has set up its base 60-70 km far from Puri. At the base, they prepare food and transport the food via their mobile kitchen to different parts of villages and other affected areas. They are offering meals twice a day.

The director of Khalsa Aid has iterated that the scarcity of water was the biggest challenge for them. As they had to buy more than 50,000 liters of water from Kolkata since the water available in the local markets are not fit for drinking. The non-profit organization is serving water and meal twice a day for almost 5000 people in Puri.

The kind work of Khalsa Aid is being lauded by all the people in the world. They took to Twitter to shower blessings on them.

More power to Khalsa Aid!

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