News & Gossip
Kainaat Arora in a horror film

Kainaat Arora in a horror film
Grand Masti fame Kainaat Arora is now all set to star in a horror film called Haunting At Bombay Mill and she will be seen along with Feryna Wazheir who was last seen in Rang Rasiya. The film is produced by filmmaker Prawaal Raman and Vikram Khakhar.
Prawaal Raman have collaborated with Team Pentacle, which is a group of people researching on paranormal activities in India.According to prawaal, Haunting At Bombay Mill is based on a real life incident, where the 32 year old Chinmay Tiwari researching on spooky stories in the mills of Mumbai, faced a rather unexplainable incident in one of the oldest mills in the city. Just like that, taking cues from documented files and real life incidents, Prawaal has decided to put together these elements in the film but at the same time, wants to retain the entertainment quotient, by weaving an emotional love story around this.
Directed by Ayush Raina (who also directed Horror Story), Haunting At Bombay Mill will also star Nandu Madhav of Marathi film Harishchandrachi Factory fame.