Fitness Mantra of Ileana D’Cruz for super hot body
Fitness is: I don’t complicate exercise. Do something you enjoy. Join a dance class, run by the beach, skip in your balcony. I have an aversion to gyms. I find them claustrophobic, and get dizzy on a treadmill.
Living in Goa made it easy to run by the beach; four kilometres, three days a week for three months. And the results were instant. I discovered that running was liberating. It eases your mind, and helps you bust stress. For me, interval training worked. I would sprint, then slow jog, then sprint again. The short high energy bursts accelerated calorie burning. On the first day on the sets of Barfi!, Ranbir (Kapoor) said I was the tiniest actress he had worked with. Producers are now suggesting I put on some weight, but I am comfortable with my body.