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Punjab Police Helped Pakistani Tourists At The Attari Railway Station

Nationalism and Religionism comes neither before nor after humanity. It is only humanity which should be first and last.

Indians are always ahead to help other people. And when it comes to Nishkaam Seva or Unconditional help, there’s no match of Punjabis.  Punjab Police recently gave an example of “Being Human” as they served the stranded Pakistani visitors at Atari station, Amritsar.

It so happened that the Pakistan authorities cancelled the Samjhauta Express which was to depart from Lahore and meanwhile close to 50 Pak passengers were left stranded here in Atari. When the passengers were hungry, Punjab Police came to the rescue and fed the passengers with food.

The authorities arranged the departure of passengers from India from Attari-Wagah joint check-post. All this happened amidst the war-tension between both countries

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