Hina Khan Made Couple Name Of Punnesh And Bandagi- PUNGI!

See the video clip to know when and how Hina Khan found a couple name of Puneesh Sharma and Bandagi Kalra- PUNGI. It is hilarious.
Are you able to control your laugh after watching the video above?
In the video above, Hina was telling Puneesh that “till now their (Puneesh-Bandagi) collaborated couple name was made outside the house”. She took a small pause and exclaimed PUNGI. Puneesh who was cleaning doow at that time gave shocked and WTF expression.
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Then Shilpa Shinde added into it by saying that “The way people make couple name in our serials.” Bandagi who was sweeping floor at that time added that “and then they make lots of fan clubs on social media on that name.”
Puneesh did not accepted PUNGI and proposed another couple name for him and Bandagi ‘BANEESH’ to which Shilpa exclaimed that ‘Yes BANEESH is nice!’. In the next scene Hina was advising Bandagi and Puneesh saying that go to camera and ask audience to vote for BANEESH and save them!
What you think which suit better for Bandagi and Puneesh- BANEESH OR PUNGI? Tell us your answer in comment section below. Stay tuned with us for more latest news and hot Bigg Boss gossips.