
Happy Father’s Day: These Telly Actors Share The Lessons Taught To Them By Their Fathers

1. Adaa Khan
For everyone, their father means the world to them. For me, too, my father is my everything. He is my strength, my support system and my guide. I am sure that if ever in life if I make a mistake, he will still lift me up. He keeps motivating me to do better in life. He has mostly been away from our family in Dubai so that we can have a better life here. Being away from family is never easy and my father compromised just so that we could live well. But because he was staying in Dubai alone and working, that is the reason I never got to know him
completely. But after my mother passed away, he left everything and came to stay with us and I started to get to know him. I came to know what a wonderful person he is. I am really happy and proud to be a daughter of such wonderful parents. My father has been strict in childhood and I am happy that he was because he has given me good values.
2. Sara Arfeen Khan
My father passed is no more and I just have one message for him that I miss him a lot! Nothing in this world can replace him or his love. He has given me excellent upbringing and taught me to be disciplined too!
3. Mohammad Nazim

 My father’s name is Abdul Mazeed. I have learned the art of working well, good manners and discipline from him. Even at this age, he
gets up early morning at 6 am and goes about doing his daily routine. My love for fitness has come from him, even today he uses a bicycle to travel to remote areas. He’s very humble and loves everyone so much. He has supported me in my decisions and motivated me a
4. Ankit Gera
My father’s influence has been very strong in my life. I have seen him grow from ground zero to what he is today and I have learned to be a fighter, no matter what circumstance comes in life. I want to thank him for believing in me and making me whatever I am today. I remember there was this one time when I hurt myself and got ligament tear he was in tears once he saw me. This was so surprising since usually, he is a very strong person. I guess he couldn’t see me in pain. The best thing I have learned from him is love and supporting your kids.
5. Jyotsna Chandola
My father has always been an important part of my life because he has always been my best friend. I used to share everything with my father. I would like to tell him to be the way he is are always. I love him so much and I like the way he still pampers me. I can never forget the first time I got my menstrual cycles during my school days. My mother was not around I shared this with him and he told me everything about it and made me feel comfortable. Girls share these things with their mother but I had to with my father and he handled it very nicely. My love for singing has developed from him.
6. Tanvi Thakkar
My father has a heart of gold. If he is wearing a diamond ring and someone asks him for it, he will give it right away. That’s one quality I admire the most in him. He has faced so many hardships but continues to still smile through everything. That’s one quality I have adapted from him and I use it in my life. Problems are going to come, you have to just take them in your stride and keep sailing. This is what he has taught me.
7. Karan Wahi
My father’s name is Arun Wahi. Well, he has been my hero and always will be because of how he has taught me to do hard work and be content with whatever comes my way. He has always supported me in all my endeavours be it cricket or acting. Also because he is more of a friend than a father.  This helps me connect with him more.
8. Rajshri Rani
I think in every girl’s life, her father is always the hero and for me to he has been a vital part of my life. He has never
forced any decisions on me and has never stopped me from doing what I liked. In fact, he has always stood by me and supported me. All my worries fade away when I talk to him. Whenever at I am confused about something in life or I need advice, I talk to him and he always solves my problems.
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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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