How To Fix Your Broken Nail

For many girls a broken nails equals a disaster, because it could ruin the whole outlook.
We know you hate it, that`s why we provide this tutorial – how to fix your broken nail and be happy again!
You will need a nail glue, a nail file, tea bag and base coat.
Start by filling the rough edges of the broken nail and add some glue.
When the nail is completely dry, file again to make it smooth. Cut a small piece of the tea bag 9large enough to cover the tear) and place it onto the problem areas, as close to the side of the nail, as possible.
Use tweezers for best results.
Add some glue and let it dry. Then file your nail, in order to blend the tea bag with the nail and add a second layer of glue.
Repeat the step above and apply top coat.
That`s it – it is pretty simple, but could save you lots of trouble. This technique is very useful and we believe each girl should know about this trick – so feel free to share it around!