
Eyes Wide Open. The Amount Of Food ‘The Rock’ Johnson Eats In A Day Will Make You Go WTF

Eyes Wide Open. The Amount Of Food ‘The Rock’ Johnson Eats In A Day Will Make You Go WTF


Have you never been inquisitive to know what your favorite celebrity eats? How they maintain their physique? So here is an insight of the famous WWE Wrestler and one of the most loved actor – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.



Truly a Hulk in his look, you will be more surprised to know his eating habit. With the kind of physique he has, surely his eating quantity may not be surprised. Recently, he shared his daily diet plan with a fitness magazine and what you are about to read, will startle you!Below is the Cheat Meal,

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale. Digital Consultant and Social media Consultant for Leading Bollywood Movies and Celebrities. With more then 12Mn Plus followers on Social media. Have done a campaign for movies Like Sarbjit, Madaari. Engineer turned into Entrepreneur. @thatmedianerd on Twitter and Instagram

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