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Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho controversy – Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav promises security in theaters

miss_tanakpur_haazir_ho_Veteran media person turned debutant director Vinod Kapri is a mighty disturbed man. His film Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho is in the eye of storm as it is fast gaining the status of the most controversial film of 2015. Though the film’s promo has pretty much set expectations of a satire in the offering, there have been all around objections against it from the Western U.P. zone. Apparently, Khaps are objecting the film’s basic premise, that of a Panchayat ordering a man to marry a buffalo (on charges of raping it in the first place). Soon enough, there was a call to behead Kapri with a prize announced too, which has shaken him up.

“I really don’t see any sense in this whole protest,” wonders Kapri, “There is only one shot of 2-3 seconds where a Panchayat orders a man (played by Rahul Bagga) to marry a buffalo. However, Khaps seem to have noticed only that in the promos. Now their objection is that our film is insulting Panchayat.”

Soon enough, there was a prize of 51 buffaloes announced against Vinod Kapri’s head, something which the filmmaker first took lightly before turning serious when some major newspapers up North also started covering the developments.

“I want to know one thing,” questions Kapri, “As per Khap, they are intelligent people and are doing good activities for the society. So even if they feel that their Panchayat is being challenged, how can they go about issuing a diktat that you would give 51 buffalo if someone beheads me? Do sensible people make such a statement? Isn’t that illegal to even talking about beheading?”

When things became way too serious last week, the makers decided to meet U.P. Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and solicit his protection.

“We were all quite disturbed,” acknowledges Kapri, “My film’s producer met the CM and discussed this issue. He assured us that there would be good security provided to theaters in U.P.”

Does that make him feel better?

“Yes, of course. However, I am still worried. I don’t want a film to become a victim of any misplaced notions. Watch it, debate it, and then object if needed. But don’t crucify it due to any imaginary issues. That is unwarranted,” sighs Kapri before signing off.

We would know if there is indeed anything objectionable when Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho releases all over this Friday.

Joginder Tuteja tweets @tutejajoginder Follow Filmymantra On Twitter – @ifilmymantra

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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