News & Gossip

Colors Sawaragini: Its not Swara who kidnapped Ragini

Colors Sawaragini: Its not Swara who kidnapped Ragini

As Ragini was plotting against swara to prove her characterless in front of maheshwari family. She tried hard to show the show that Swara is dating two mens at a time. Before the kidnapping sequence Swara slapped Ragini and had a huge argument, even the whole maheshwari family is blaming Swara and questioning her.

According to a report of Newsportal, in the forthcoming episodes, the Maheshwari family will be stunned to findĀ Ragini returning home. While narrating the incident, she would mention a girl in red shawl, who supposedly kidnapped her. Later, Ragini would find the same shawl in Swara’s cupboard.
in the meantime, the buzz is that not Swara, but UttaraĀ (Khyati Mangla)Ā would kidnap Ragini.
It now remains to be seen if Uttara kidnapped Ragini to punish her for ruining Swara’s image or is there another reason for the abduction.
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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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