Check What SRK Answered To His Fans’ Weird Questions During #AskSRK!

The King Khan’s answer skills have always been inspiring. Recently, his twitter account once again reminded his fans how humorous and entertaining can he be to his loved ones.
It is not doubt that Shahrukh is a complete professional when it comes to question handling skills. His responses and replies to his fans’ questions are always fun to read and quite entertaining for the audience who love to know about him.
The twitter responses show that Shahrukh is freeing out some space these days and is diverting more time for his fans. He recently started a #AMA with hashtag #AskSrk. Wow! Now that’s what we call commitment to fans.
Shahrukh’s admirers went crazy and asked him weird questions out of excitement, but what happened later added to the amusement. Don’t forget to check the tweets at the end of this page. This has actually made us laugh too. If you have noticed Shahrukh on the stage, he is very keenly focused to observe people. It helps him to capture people’s reactions, their thoughtfulness, and their behavior.
Shahrukh has always been an admirer for perfection and it is no doubt that he has come out as a winner to prove himself. There are many other things that his fans love about him and some of them often turn out to be senseless too. The way he was asked a question in this tweet was no doubt weird, but the way he answered ended up the entire scene with laughter to the audience.
He is born to make win-win situations and we fail to know how he does that always. We hope Shahrukh continues to make people smile this way and keeps smiling himself.
What did you think of Shahrukh’s reply, post your comment now!
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