IAF का बहादुर पायलट लापता, #BringBackAbhinandan से लोग कर है वापस लाने की मांग

भारत पर हमला करने आए पाकिस्तान एयर फ़ोर्स को खदेड़ने के दौरान भारत का एक फाइटर पायलट लापता हो गया है. विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने एक प्रेस ब्रीफ में इस बात को कन्फर्म किया कि पाकिस्तान की एयर फ़ोर्स पर कार्रवाई के दौरान हमारा एक जवान मिसिंग है. पाकिस्तान का दावा है कि उसने सीमा में घुसे भारत के बहादुर पायलट को पकड़ा.
बहादुर भारतीय जवान की मिसिंग का मामला सोशल मीडिया में ट्रेंड कर रहा है.
बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस स्वरा भास्कर ने भी इस बारे में ट्वीट किया है. उन्होंने लिखा, “भारतीय वायुसेना के जवान के सुरक्षित लौट आने के के लिए प्रार्थना करती हूं.”
Praying for the safe return of this Indian Air Force officer. #Abhinandan https://t.co/NppKQhfo2C
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) February 27, 2019
#BringHimHome #BringBackAbhinandan #Abhinandan
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) February 27, 2019
स्वरा ने तीन हैश टैग्स #BringHimHome #BringBackAbhinandan #Abhinandan के साथ ट्वीट किया.
Strength and resolve to the family and loved ones of #WingCommanderAbhinandan. The nation’s prayers and thoughts are with him in this tough hour. May this stoic, dignified officer be back on Indian soil soon.
— Nimrat Kaur (@NimratOfficial) February 27, 2019
स्वरा के अलावा एक्ट्रेस निमरत कौर ने भी मिसिंग पायलट की सलामती की कामना की. उन्होंने लिखा “विंग कमांडर अभिनंदन के परिवार को ताकत और ढांढस. देश इस मुश्किल वक्त में उनके साथ है. उम्मीद है कि यह दृढ़ और सम्मानित अफसर भारत की धरती पर जल्द वापस आ जाएगा.”
Wing Commander Abhinandan was not injured because his plane crashed. That blood you see on his body is because the Pakistanis got together & almost lynched him. This video is proof of what they are doing to him. Bloody animals. #BringBackAbhinandan @IAF_MCC @indiannavy @adgpi pic.twitter.com/DzxOamKawj
— Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) (@majorgauravarya) February 27, 2019
Remember this image. Burn it into your mind. Tattoo it on your soul. This is your son. This is your brother. This is your friend. This is Wing Commander Abhinandan of @IAF_MCC. He bleeds for us. Never forgive. Never forget. #BringBackAbhinandan pic.twitter.com/r055mtUVWN
— Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) (@majorgauravarya) February 27, 2019
This footage definitely calms us! #Abhinandan clarifying that he has been treated respectfully by Pak Army.
Once he ejected, he was attacked by the mob & Pak Army saved him.
As per the Geneva Convention, Pak is supposed to hand over him back respectfully. #BringBackAbhinandan pic.twitter.com/N8Qf71vq6b
— Akash Jain (@akash207) February 27, 2019
21 opposition parties issue joint statement expressing concern for the safety of India's missing pilot. Charge the BJP with a "blatant politicization of the sacrifice by our Armed Forces" #BringBackAbhinandan
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) February 27, 2019
We struck they struck. Let's end this now. #SayNoToWar
Let's put our might together to #bringBackAbhinandan. Meanwhile, do not forget this entire tragedy where we have lost 4 lives is because of one man's failures in all depts, including Kashmir. This is squarely Modi's failure.— Dr. Sanjukta Basu, PhD (@sanjukta) February 27, 2019
Indian Airforce Pilot Abhinandan was captured by Pakistan earlier today.
This is the time for us Indians to unite and demand the Government to act and get the pilot released from captivity. #BringBackAbhinandan pic.twitter.com/hvRFmPnG0M— Kalyan Karnataka Congress (@IncKalyanKar) February 27, 2019
I have a feeling war clouds are about to start clearing#Abhinandan #BringBackAbhinandan #SayNoToWar
— Manak Gupta (@manakgupta) February 27, 2019
No Words to Express !
Truly Saddened by the Videos of our IAF Pilot #Abhinandan being Captured & Beaten in Pakistan ..
I am so Heart Broken ;(
I can't imagine the Pain, his Family must be going through !
Love u our Soldier
Hearty Prayers !#NewProfilePic #BringBackAbhinandan pic.twitter.com/oYPp0xZvcA— Aarti (@aartic02) February 27, 2019